2025 sollen viele neue Eltifs an den Markt kommen. Die Langfristfonds versprechen hohe Renditen, Produkte für die breite Masse werden sie aber eher nicht.
The Handelsblatt article "Serie Anlegen 2025: Investieren wie die Reichen mit Eltis - So machen Anleger mit Infrastruktur und Startups" explores how everyday investors can invest like wealthy individuals using ELTIFs (European Long-Term Investment Funds).
The article highlights ELTIFs as a vehicle for accessing alternative investments, like infrastructure and startups, traditionally limited to high-net-worth individuals.
Essentially, ELTIFs provide a democratized way for regular investors to participate in potentially lucrative, long-term investment opportunities often found in sectors like renewable energy and innovative companies.
Let me know if you'd like more details on a specific aspect of the article.
The Handelsblatt article "Serie Anlegen 2025: Investieren wie die Reichen mit Eltis - So machen Anleger mit Infrastruktur und Startups" explores how everyday investors can invest like wealthy individuals using ELTIFs (European Long-Term Investment Funds). The article highlights ELTIFs as a vehicle for accessing alternative investments, like infrastructure and startups, traditionally limited to high-net-worth individuals. Essentially, ELTIFs provide a democratized way for regular investors to participate in potentially lucrative, long-term investment opportunities often found in sectors like renewable energy and innovative companies. Let me know if you'd like more details on a specific aspect of the article.